Our 2025 Farm Team
Alex Vaughn
Farm Manager
Prior to joining Obercreek Farm, Alex worked in commercial agriculture for 10 years in Maine and Massachusetts. He is a graduate of the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture at UC Santa Cruz and taught vegetable production at The Farm School in Athol, MA for several years. Here at Obercreek, Alex designs and executes our annual growing plan covering our greenhouses, fields, and high tunnels.
trixie wessel
Farm Co- Manager
Trixie has been on and around farms her whole life and loves connecting with people about where their food comes from and why it matters. She leads the crew in daily harvest and packing, manages sales of our produce through the farm store, CSA, farmers markets, and wholesale accounts, and is the voice behind our social media and weekly newsletter (here referring to herself in the 3rd person). In her free time, she loves cooking with and preserving what’s in season, and working in the alpine ski racing industry during the winter.
Director of Farm Morale
Margot is our resident farm dog who carries the most important job of providing much needed joy on the toughest of days, as well as battling our ever-present rodent pressure. You can often find her eating whatever vegetable she can find, especially her favorite, turnips, or just absolutely demolishing some bok choi. If you ever see her on the farm or at the brewery (her second favorite place to be) she’s very friendly and always appreciates a good scratch, or a chance to play with other dogs. Ask her what her current hunting stats are; they’re impressive for a pup her age!
Farm crew 2025:
Andie Mitchell
brian o’mara
quinn schoff
rosalie visceglia
Past Years Good Times and Crew…
Obercreek crew, partners, and friends at the 2024 Christmas party!
Jeffrey and Natasha planting the terrace beds with beautiful blooms, spring 2024
Farm crew 2023, L to R: Bob, Nicolas, Andrew, Dominick (our hops grower), Natasha, Rachel, Trixie, Alex
Last day of the main season 2024, and Jeffrey and Natasha’s last day! A somewhat poorly timed all-crew jump :) L to R: Jeffrey, Alex, Trixie (holding Margot), Quinn, Rachel, Natasha
November 2022 crew: end of CSA season party! Back row: Andrew, Alex, Jenna. Front row: Natasha, Margot, Trixie, Emily, Enya
Margot and best friend and fellow (now former) farm dog Enya, attempting to meld into one dog to avoid being separated at the end of the season
June 2022 crew: Hampton, Jenna, Alex, Trixie, Andrew, and Emily with farm dogs Samuel and Enya
The Officially official 2024 farm crew photo, June 2024. Back row L to R: Alex, Dominick (our hops grower), Rosalie, Rachel, Quinn, Jeffrey. Front row: Trixie & Margot, Natasha
An incredibly damp day in the deluge that was fall 2023, but turnip harvest carried on in good spirits, even though poor Andrew forgot his rain gear.
Obercreek 2021 crew: Alex, Emily, Andrew, and Jenna
Emily Fratz, Assistant Farm Manager 2020 - 2022
Emily grew up on her family's farm in Maryland and has worked in urban agriculture and education in New York City. She loves spending time outside and growing food, which is why she has signed on to a second year at Obercreek Farm. When she doesn't have her hands in the soil, she can be found camping, knitting, or finding new ways to cook farm fresh veggies!